✦ Jaiden ✦


my name is jaiden! i'm a 20 year old female gamer.if you came to this page disliking me, then don't bother to read anything else and just move on with your day. negativity is pointless.

Hard Boundaries

Violating any would lead to me blocking you and a permanent ban from my discord server Pluto.

  • Don't sexualise me or make sexual references about me. it happens to me a lot and i hate it with a severe passion.

  • don't ship me w my friends please. it's really weird and we are not dating

  • please don't ask invasive questions (i.e. relationship, work, personal life)

Pluto Discord Server

  • Meet some awesome people who are my greatest friends!

  • The "Jade Quotebook", where you may submit the funniest quotes from me.

  • Participate in the question of the day!

The Deadly Sins